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A tour de force of Philosophical thought
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A Syed Abid Ali Abid, M.A., Formerly, Principal, Dyal Singh College, Lahore (Pakistan). Chapter 37: Political Theory of the Shi’ties Chapter 59: Minor Arts Khalifah Abdul Hakim, M. A., Ph. D., Director, Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore (Pakistan) [..]
Part 4. The Middle-Roaders Chapter XXX Al-Ghazālī METAPHYSICS A INTRODUCTION Al-Ghazālī occupies a position unique in the history of Muslim religious and philosophical thought by whatever standard we may judge him: breadth of learning, originality, [..]
Ikhwan al-Safa by Omar A. Farrukh, Ph.D, Member of the Arab Academy, Damascus (Syria) A INTRODUCTION The name Ikhwan al‑Safa was assumed by a group of libres penseum who cultivated science and philosophy not for the sake of science and philosophy, but [..]
Zaharism by Omar A. Farrukh, Ph.D, Member of the Arab Academy, Damascus (Syria) A BACKGROUND Since the second/eighth century, an interminable dispute dragged on for a long time between those who upheld the authority of Tradition [..]
Maturidism by A.K.M Ayyub Ali, M.A, Ph.D, Principl Government Rajshahi Madrasah, Rajshahi (Pakistan) A detailed discussion of the fundamental principles of Islam led Muslim scholars in the second and thir/eighth and ninth centuries of Hijrah to [..]
Tahawism by A.K.M Ayyub Ali, M.A, Ph.D, Principl Government Rajshahi Madrasah, Rajshahi (Pakistan) A TAHAWI’S LIFE AND WORKS Abu Ja’far Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Salamah al‑Azdi, al‑Hajri, al‑Tahawi, was born at Taha, a village in upper [..]
Ash’arism by M. Abdul Hye, M.A, Ph.D, Professor of Philosophy, Government College, Rajshahi (Pakistan) A AL‑ASHARI’S LIFE AND WORK Asharism is the name of a philosophico‑religious school of thought in Islam that developed during the fourth [..]